Your new normal

George not letting the pandemic stop the gainz train

George not letting the pandemic stop the gainz train

Plus ça changeplus c'est la même chose.”

- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

’The more things change, the more they stay the same.’
Here we are, the ‘new normal’.
The last few months have left many of us feeling powerless, trapped yet adrift at sea all at once.
It has been easy to lament all the things that have been taken from us, and no one should feel guilty for this grief.

But once you’ve felt the wave wash over you, try not to stay on the shore, at the mercy of the tides.

Whilst everything feels very different, if you zoom out far enough there are a lot of things that haven’t changed at all.

If anything, we’ve been given an opportunity to stop, and really reflect on what we actually need, what (and sometimes who) do we value, or value us…

But on a primal level, nothing has changed.

We are plants with opinions, we need daily air and water, nutrients and sunshine.

But we also need eachother, we need to connect, to feel part of something beyond our four walls and a window.
One of the most fundamental parts of this human experience is when we gather.
We are built to find our tribes, to connect and realise our value within those networks and the last few months has flipped this on its head.

But instead of us letting the tide overwhelm us, we can swim out past the breakwater, into unchartered waters. It’s been incredible to see so many of you leave the shore behind and learn to swim in the digital oceans of Zoom classes, online running clubs, garden/garage/kitchen/carpark workouts.
We may be apart, but we are not alone.

It has been A W E S O M E to spend time, face to face (but 6ft between those faces, at ALL TIMES).
But this is not guaranteed, so we are working on building our own ‘NEW NORMAL’.

For many of us, working out at home, but connected via satellites has been a revolution, for others, a brick wall between them and their happy place.
But as a community, we are greater than the sum of our parts.
For some of us, Zoom has been our only option even with the easing of lockdown, and we are committed to keeping you connected moving forwards. It’s allowed those who struggled to juggle work/commuting/family life to thrive.

There are a lot of things out of our control right now, so let’s make some headway on those within our grasp.
Maximise our opportunities.
If you haven’t tried an online class, dip your toe in, sometimes a few more faces can really make a difference to those who can’t physically make it to the gym.

If you struggled through lockdown, let us know, let’s support eachother to weather the storms.
As humans, we’ve been strong, fast, healthy and happy before airbikes,
and if we need to, we can do it again.

If you struggled through lockdown, let us know, let’s support eachother to weather the storms.